Friday, December 15, 2006

Is it wrong to hate this time of year?

Sigh. I used to LOVE Christmas. I loved shopping, decorating, cold weather....and of course, Christmas Vacation. Most of all, I love the TRUE meaning of Christmas. And I still do. That hasn't changed at all. But what has changed is that now I have a full time job, and 2 kids, and don't have 2 or 3 weeks off for Christmas....which means VERY little time to get things done. (yes I know MILLIONS of others are in my shoes). So my attitude has changed over the years from LOVING this time of year to positively DREADING it. Quite sad, really. I am actually lucky this year that I am getting a couple of days before Christmas off. Up til now, I only had Christmas day and that was it. I hate the crowds. I hate the PAIN of putting up decorations and a tree (but I'm doing a tree for the kids).I hate that it's rush rush rush and then back to work. I am turning into a Scrooge. Now I understand why, when we were teenagers, my mom said that if we wanted a tree that my sister and I had to put it up. Thanks mom, I've inherited your Scrooginess.


Anonymous said...

I totally understand. You are not the first this year to voice this either. I am lucky because this is the first year that I have not been working so I have had lots of time to do things. It is also the first year I have ever put Christmas on the Visa =0(
Merry Christmas just the same...spring is coming!!

Patti said...

Yup! I totally agree!!!