Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Rainbows in a dreary day....

For my job, I spend a significant amount of time on the phone with dr's offices. I just LOVE when I get an office that puts me on hold and has Christian music's sort of like a reminder of the important stuff in life. I had that today; it always makes me so grateful for people who do not hide their testimony and aren't afraid to offend others.

Got my SIS kit today!! OH MY! Such lovely goodness in it! I am going to try to play tonight if hubby will let me!

Yuk. my keyboard is really dirty, i just noticed. one of those things you (well, i) never think about cleaning....

my poor sister...she's about to go crazy. Her baby cries (or at least fusses) all the time. He doesn't sleep much except from 2am-6am...and that can't be good for a one month old. Just little 4 or 8 minute naps here and there. and when she's not feeding him, she has to be bouncing and patting, etc....and even then he's very wiggly and not happy. So pretty much that is all she does all day long, since he won't nap and screams bloody murder if you put him down. She's never let him cry it out though, i would think she should try that for at least a bit, but what do I know, I had the best babies in the world, so i really have no good advice. she is just pretty much worn out and depressed and all kinds of stuff fun for a new mom.

Even though I had 2 at one time I am so thankful they were good babies!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see your scrap goodness - miss you!
