Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I cried today.

for the first time in a long time. except if you count movies, which i don't, and then i cried at one on Sat. night (Facing the Giants....fantabulous movie if you havent seen it).

but i digress.

it wasn't for not making a dt; it wasn't b/c dh hurt my feelings; it wasn't for anything sad and no one died. no, i don't cry for those reasons--"normal" reasons.

i cried because i was so incredibly mad.

why was i mad?

because i got "chosen" to do some pilot program at work that, without giving too many boring details, will involve pissed off people calling me. basically customer service. now granted, it's just 5 hours spread throughout the week, but i was COMPLETLEY blindsighted by this and not asked my desires at all. and that doesn't sit well with me. i even called my boss on it and said that it took me totally by suprise, and as it is i am working 45-50 hrs/week and is it optional at all? nope. she basically said tough stuff. they picked certain people for a certain reason and actually being competent at my job sort of hurt me. i told her (nicely) that i really would rather focus on my current duties, but apparently they don't care. since i am so fabulous on the phone they want me for this. so after all this (thank GOD i made it til after the call but JUST barely)....i cried. i cry when i am mad, and that makes me madder, which generally makes me cry more.

well if you read all that, thank you. i know it's boring.

but i need to vent.

and as i've said before

it's my blog.

1 comment:

Jude said...

I'm sorry Mel.
But a good cry can do you good.
I had one earlier today.
and it was a HUGE cry.
like a ugly julia roberts cry.
the icing on the cake?
marley knocking my fresh cup of coffee all over the kitchen floor.
not to mention my swiffer is broken.
but anyway...this is about you.
im sorry you were blue.
I hope you are much happier today.

lots of hugs and kisses.