Thursday, June 21, 2007

Just Killing Time...

While my work computer is down....sounds nice, but it's really not, because it means I will have to bust a move this afternoon. Unless it's down all day (which won't happen...I'm not that lucky).

So, have you seen this show "Traveler"? Bri and I LOVE it! Very good for a summer replacement show!! Lots of action...I'm just hoping that they don't cancel it in the middle of the season like they did Kidnapped, Daybreak, and The 9. It really irks me when they do just get into a show and then they cancel it. Does not make one inclined to start watching new shows. We are also watching America's Got Talent, Last Comic Standing, and soon to be Big Brother. Can you tell we like reality shows?

We grilled Salmon last night...never done that before. It was good! Even the kids liked it. I soaked in marinade and made mashed potatoes, green beans and rice. Pretty decent meal for us.

Well, I'm sure everyone is so excited to read what I had for dinner so on that note, I will go see if my system is back up. Have a fantastic day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

l Love that show Will Traveler too...I am with you and hope they don't cancel it this summer, it is about the only show on!!! Diana